I’ve been asked this a lot, especially at the moment…
Now I KNOW my followers probably know the different types of journalist out there, but just for a laugh (and gives me a chance to write) here’s a quick guide – and a guide to which types of journalism I do…
First (because I love a context factoid) – a journalist is someone who compiles, writes and shares news in some form to the general public. I personally LOVE to research subjects, collate that info and write for an audience.
BUT journalism is seen as quite general now. So what types of journalism are there? if you ‘Google’ it you get quite a few results. I’ll try and break ’em down.
These are the most well-known:
Investigative. Researching a topic to find evidence, gather evidence to support findings and reporting those conclusions to a wider audience. Think Nick Davies, who, while reporting for the Guardian, was responsible for uncovering the News of the World phone hacking affair – notably the hacking of the voicemail of murdered schoolgirl Millie Dowler.
I am not this cool – but would LOVE to have my investigative break.
News reporter. Those who research, write and report on a subject/information to then present in a chosen platform. This tends to involve interviews, research and reports.
This is what I do. I have worked as a media reporter for a criminal barrister – presenting all cases to newspapers, television, radio and law reports. I am also the ‘feeder’ of stories in my area to regional news correspondents. Notably, due to my law degree, I have been asked to report on legal stories – sometimes anonymously/ghost writing.
Reviews. While I was in London, I was asked to review some ODD items/products. From aerobics gear and trainers to make up and coffee – you name it, I reviewed it. Down here in Bournemouth, I still review restaurants and bars for a few publications, but SSSHHHH it’s anonymously. People get paid to be reviewers full time. What a fun job!
Columns/Features. Columnists tend to write weekly or monthly for a publication, and features less frequent. Columnists are based on their distinctive personality, their interpretation of events or issues and of course – their subjective opinion. Humorous or not, they are extremely sought-after. Think Caitlin Moran (love) or Piers Morgan (no comment). Feature writers cover a smorgasboard of subjects – often combined with research and interviews with a specialist – producing one-of articles.
This is what I do! I started out working for Lads’ Mags during and after graduating – FHM took me on after work experience for two weeks, and I loved every minute of it. I wrote features of every kind – from reviews of men’s briefcases and drug testing kits to interviews with famous ladies and articles about boobies (this is the most conservative example i’m giving!)
Broadcast. Nope, not me – but I would LOVE to get involved in broadcast journalism – radio has always been an interest of mine – and once this crazy time is behind us (hopefully sooner rather than later) I hope to explore this avenue. Any help towards this would be much appreciated!
I like all different types of journalism. I love to research topics, interview individuals (or groups) with fascinating backgrounds. Ask me to review a coffee shop and i’ll be there quicker than you can say ‘macchiato with soy milk and a sprinkle of chocolate’*. Just don’t ask me to review briefcases again.
Okay, okay – the Samsonite Spectrolite was the best. happy?
*Not my chosen coffee. Mine’s an Americano with cold milk.