Moving with the times?

I’m not a fan of so-called ‘festivals’.  Sleeping (trying to) in a tent amongst loud, shouting teenagers who don’t seem to go to bed, while playing their hideous pirate radio station drum ‘n’ bass tunes on their tinny-sounding mobile phones, having to wash for 4...

Denifitely Vocal Levels Allowed

A bad day. A hot, sticky, tiring summer’s day spent on the phone to insurance companies, bank answer machines, old ladies who can hardly hear you, fussy clients, NHS hotlines, phone companies… the LAST thing you need is for your day to get worse. But...

Caffeine crazy

If I said coffee culture would you need me to explain?I’m no expert, but I try to keep up…Tall, grande, small, regular, large, supreme, venti, primo, medio, massimoLatte, cappuccino, espresso, mocha, Americano (surely it should be Columbian?) Macchiato,...

Raining on my parade…

…it’s extremely confusing. Hosepipe ban? Flooding? What’s happening? More importantly, it’s ruining the summer. Yes, yes, we have long days, light evenings, hell, it gets dark at 10.30 most evenings. Perfect for after-work drinks with friends,...

Episode #326 part 2…

Monday morning has arrived. Lixy drives through the pouring rain, arrives at the car park and thinks her luck is in as she finds a space nearest to the building entrance. Perhaps this day has started off well! She parks her car, and, as she opens the door and steps...

Temping Episode # 326 – it’s a long one!

After finishing a placement the previous week within a law firm, the recruitment girls at DN(*1) call her the following Thursday with an assignment, which starts the next day. Lixy is informed that she will be on the phones, calling schools, but will definitely NOT be...